24/7 Email Alerts

24/7 Email Alerts

Looking for that right Toronto home? Want to know when the next condo goes on the market, or when that luxury property in the suburbs is listed? Now you can get all the latest Toronto housing market news and listings, just by subscribing for our email alerts.

When you sign up for our instant email alerts, you’ll get all the latest listings as they happen and the moment we know about them – which is to say, the moment they go on the market, and sometimes even before. No more checking back daily, no more searching through listing after listing and trying to go it on your own. With our email alerts, you’ll get all the hottest listings, and those dream homes meant just for you, all delivered right to your Inbox. Save your time and start looking only at homes that are right for you. You can decide which ones those are after thumbing through the listings delivered right to your email.

Signing up couldn’t be easier. Just enter your email address, hit “subscribe” and just wait for that first listing to land in your Inbox. Once you find your dream home and can stop the search, just come back and unsubscribing is just as simple. Or, remain a subscriber and continue to look for that next investment property, second home, vacation property, or just keep an eye out for that next hot property that goes on sale.

We’ve always got our ear to the ground when it comes to Toronto’s housing market and when you subscribe for our email alerts, you can too!